Monoprice may tell you that you have voided your warranty if you attempt to or successfully update the firmware.
Don't attempt to update the firmware if you can't be without the printer for at least a week in case something goes wrong.
If the printer doesn't show the firmware versions at boot time, doesn't respond to any on-board controls, display shows both temperature at 0° and/or won't connect via USB, please make sure you have formatted the included microSD card as FAT32 with 512 Bytes Cluster/Allocation unit size.
If that doesn't work try other microSD cards up to 32GB (yes some 32GB cards will work and some claim to use 64GB cards. The printer can read both FAT(16) and FAT32. Also exFAT has worked for some people.
The printer can be picky about which cards it will read and update from. If you have multiple microSD cards try them all.
I and others have had good luck with this Kingston 2 GB microSD Flash Memory Card SDC/2GBSP (Single Pack) from Amazon.
I purchased the card from Amazon seller “i77e”. It should not matter which seller to purchase from but I wanted to share in case it does.
If you are having trouble after you think you have tried everything, you can contact me in one of the following online community groups or private message through any of the social platforms listed below.
MP Select Mini Owners Facebook Group - Name: Matthew Upp
MPSelectMiniOwners subreddit - User: tiny_tim_
Monoprice MP Select Mini Google+ Community - Name: Matthew Upp
Download Motion Controller firmware v41 for MP Mini Delta
- “Home” when cancelled: When “Cancel” is selected from the on-board controls, the printhead will move to the “Home” position instead of stopping in place.
v43 (read below before updating as it may not be beneficial to do so)
Download Motion Controller firmware v43 for MP Mini Delta
This is for those who have Mini Delta's with 1/16th stepping drivers.
The main difference between v43 and v41 is the default step's per unit(mm).
NOTE: If updating to version 43 or higher from 41 or lower, you may need to lower the steps per mm back to the previous values.
v44 (read below before updating as it may not be beneficial to do so)
Download Motion Controller firmware v44 for MP Mini Delta
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - If I listed anything at this time it would be speculation.
The main difference between v44 and v45 appears to be the default step's per unit(mm). v44 is 1/16th microstepping and v45 default is 1/8th microstepping.
NOTE: You may need to double the steps per mm if you notice the movements seem to not be complete. For example after homing and then issuing a G29 command to run the auto-leveling, if it only moves down half way then you'll probably want to check the step's per unit(mm).
v45 (read below before updating as it may not be beneficial to do so)
Download Motion Controller firmware v45 for MP Mini Delta
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - If I listed anything at this time it would be speculation.
The main difference between v44 and v45 appears to be the default step's per unit(mm). v44 is 1/16th microstepping and v45 default is 1/8th microstepping.
NOTE: You may need to double the steps per mm if you notice the movements seem to not be complete. For example after homing and then issuing a G29 command to run the auto-leveling, if it only moves down half way then you'll probably want to check the step's per unit(mm).
Updating Monoprice MP Mini Delta Motion Controller Firmware
A much longer than necessary video but it shows the complete steps needed to successfully update the Motion Controller firmware using the included microSD card on the first try.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/zAj9wqvPNfA
If after the update the printer homes in the wrong direction, you may need to invert the stepper motor direction for X, Y and Z.
Example: “M562 XYZ”
M562 XYZ ;Inverts X, Y, and Z motor direction M500 ;Saves changes to EEPROM Reboot printer to complete the process (turn off, then on)
If you find that the extruder is feeding filament the wrong direction you probably need to invert the stepper motor direction for the extruder.
Example: “M562 E”
M562 E ;Inverts extruder motor direction M500 ;Saves changes to EEPROM Reboot printer to complete the process (turn off, then on)
After updating the Motion Controller firmware you may need to change the steps per mm.