Resetting the MP Mini Delta Firmware Settings/EEPROM
See Sending G-code for more information on how to send the commands below.
Example for using M502
to revert the MP Mini Delta firmware to default settings
M502 ; Restores default settings M500 ; Saves the settings to EEPROM Reboot the printer
Rebooting the printer may not be necessary but it is recommended.
Example for using M502
to temporarily revert the MP Mini Delta firmware to default settings
M502 ; Restores default settings M501 ; Restores the setting currently stored in EEPROM. This is basically the same as turning the printer off and on.
Do not reboot (power cycle) the printer until you are ready to go back to previous settings.
Turn the printer off for about 1 or 2 seconds to return to previously stored settings
resets all settings/parameters to the default values of the currently installed Motion Controller firmware. These settings are sometimes altered by the user or slicing software although I suspect the latter is less likely to have occurred.
Most often the two settings altered by the users are the PID values and the Steps per mm for the extruder stepper motor.
; G-Code generated by Matthew Upp of ; ; Load firmware default settings and save to EEPROM ; ; This gcode file will work with the following 3D printers: ; Malyan - M100, M200, M310, M300, M320, MA10, and MA10 Mini ; Monoprice - MP10, MP10 Mini, MP Mini Delta, and MP Select Mini ; ; This file is much longer than it needs to be but is like this to ; show what is going on. ; ; If when printing this file it does not show as completed on the ; display but the fan pulsed on and off a few times then the firmware ; was set to default settings and you can turn the printer off and on ; to make the new (default) settings active. ; ; Lines with only a semicolon are for making line separations only. ; Please add a blank line to the end of the file while editing. ; DokuWiki Code Blocks deletes blank lines at the end of the block but ; g-code files typically end with a single blank line at the end. ; (It is not a big deal if you don't add the blank line.) ; ; ; BEGIN M107 ; turn fan off in case it was already on M106 S200 ; turn fan on to signify start ; ; ; The next two lines are the only actual commands that are needed to ; reset the firmware to default settings and save. M502 ; reset eeprom to firmware default settings M500 ; save the settings to eeprom ; ; ; PULSE FAN TO SIGNIFY COMPLETION M107 ; turn fan off G4 S1 ; wait 1 second M106 S255 ; fan at full speed G4 P500 ; wait 0.5 seconds M107 ; fan off ; G4 P250 ; wait 0.25 seconds M106 S255 ; fan at full speed G4 P500 ; wait 0.5 seconds M107 ; fan off ; G4 P250 ; wait 0.25 seconds M106 S255 ; fan at full speed G4 P500 ; wait 0.5 seconds M107 ; fan off ; G4 P250 ; wait 0.25 seconds M106 S255 ; fan at full speed G4 P500 ; wait 0.5 seconds M107 ; fan off ; G4 P250 ; wait 0.25 seconds M106 S255 ; fan at full speed G4 P500 ; wait 0.5 seconds M107 ; fan off ; G4 P250 ; wait 0.25 seconds M106 S255 ; fan at full speed G4 P500 ; wait 0.5 seconds M107 ; fan off ; ; M400 ; wait for current moves to finish M107 ; turn fan off to signify completion M84 ; disable motors ; END