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Connecting to WiFi

Accessing Web UI


  • WiFi and USB cannot access simultaneously.
  • Disconnect USB cable from the printer if you want to use the WiFi function.
  • WiFi works with 2.4 GHz b/g/n networks only.
  • These next two notes apply to when connecting using the Android & iOS apps.
    1. If you have a 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz network using the same SSID(wireless network name) you may have trouble connecting the printer.
    2. For initial WiFi setup try moving the printer closer to the WiFi router.
  • Some or possibly most slicer and Pronterface like programs will either convert the first character after each space to uppercase or convert all characters to uppercase. This means that it is possible that your SSID and/or password are not being sent correctly.
  • Connecting via USB (serial) will send all characters without converting them to uppercase. However, I have found that a SSID and/or password that is longer than 31 characters will not work. If you have a SSID and/or password that is longer than 31 characters, please try the mobile apps.

Link to firmware, Malyan Link (Windows PC), Malyan 3D Craft (Android):

Forget Network

While the MP Mini Delta is connected to WiFi you may use the format http://PRINTERS_IP_ADDRESS to send a single line of code g-code using a web browsers address/URL bar. See the examples in the following code block.

Format: http://PRINTERS_IP_ADDRESS/set?cmd={W:}{W:}

When the command is sent and received successfully the browser should display `OK` and the IP address should disappear from the LCD.

wifi/start.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/04 14:43 by Matthew Upp